Just as every person you encounter seems to have crafted the ultimate grilled cheese sandwich recipe, there’s an everlasting stream of individuals convinced they’ve discovered the perfect solution to the inquiry: What do you incorporate into your burger patty? Some prefer to add an egg to the mixture to help maintain the moisture, while others mix in breadcrumbs or cheese, or splash their ground beef with soy sauce or Worcestershire sauce. Some believe that integrating sour cream into the meat provides a zesty punch. Nonetheless, William Djuric, a partner at Burgerhead in New York City, mentioned in a discussion with Mashed that none of these components create an ideal burger. For that, all that is necessary is a bit of chopped onion.
“I believe classic American-style burgers should be kept as uncomplicated as possible, with the exception of gently mixing in some onions, or inserting the onions into the patty before placing it on the grill or flat top,” states Djuric. Onion is the sole addition required for your burger patties because it achieves two objectives at once: It enhances the flavor — genuinely highlighting the taste of the meat — and it introduces moisture, as the onions cook and release steam.
Now, the Burgerhead partner isn’t implying that you shouldn’t season your burger at all. William Djuric’s advice for the ultimate burger is straightforward: Sprinkle it with salt and pepper once it’s on the grill — never beforehand — and perhaps add a bit of onion and garlic powder if you’re feeling bold. As long as you maintain only onions mixed into the ground beef, he’s open to getting creative with your seasonings during the cooking stage. You might even consider adding some light brown sugar and celery salt for a traditional chop house burger seasoning formula. “There are truly no strict guidelines; feel free to sprinkle in some hot paprika if you prefer a spicier flavor!”
We understand that chopped onions can be preserved in the freezer for as long as eight months, but do they remain intact in shaped burger patties? Djuric confirms this, advising, “Ensure they’re wrapped securely before freezing.” For optimal results, attempt wrapping them individually with plastic wrap, or separating them using parchment paper and enclosing the entire bundle in cling wrap. When you crave a burger, Djuric indicates that the best method to thaw the patties is to remove them from the freezer and place them in the refrigerator overnight.
Image Source: Fuzull Hanum / Shutterstock